“Terry has helped me through the most difficult two years of my life. Leaving the safety of a ‘regular’ job, starting a new career, opening a small business and accepting the additional challenge of teaching a couple of adult classes was quite stressful. During our weekly conversations Terry never told me what I should or shouldn’t do, rather, he helped me discover what I wanted, then gave me the tools to make it happen. The methods he taught me have proven invaluable and I continue to apply them to various parts of my personal and professional life. I honestly believe Terry’s ongoing support and lessons are as much a reason my business continues to grow as my own efforts.” – EP
“Terry reminds you of the inner strength that comes from being your authentic self. With his guidance I have become more liberated, less limited by fear, and more able to take action when I feel stuck… Terry listens well and his gentle style and genuine caring are a wonderful fit for me.. I would recommend Terry to anyone who wants to make a significant improvement in their life. With his coaching I feel myself reclaiming the energy that I wasted on my inner resistance and using it in a positive way to move forward and create positive change.“ – SL
“Terry became my coach at a time when I had some difficult decisions to make in my life. He challenged me to think of these decisions in ways that I hadn’t considered previously. His questions help me to deepen my awareness and focus on achieving my goals. He’s a wonderful coach!” – RHH
“Terry is an excellent coach who provides insight and wisdom when looking at items to enhance your career. His easy-going style creates an atmosphere that encourages open dialog. His professional background provides a clear understanding of what is needed in today’s corporate environment. In addition, he takes in a broader view of what is happening so that you can incorporate all aspects of the work/life balance. The sessions that I have had have not only given me the opportunity to grow professionally but personally as well.” – JM